Nine Quantum Heresies, a Sermon and a Confession
The physics behind Quantum Mechanics

The Quantum Heretics team include PhDs, undergraduates and enthusiast physicists. Our objective is to make the picture of fundamental physics simpler, to cut the number of entities required to fit the math and remove the mysticism of some standard descriptions.

The Heresies

A series of articles that reframe the physical picture behind the mathematics. Best read in series, but each is independent.

Read The Heresies


Very short summaries to give an indication of the contents of each full article.

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The tricky words and concepts defined as best we can.

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Although you will have to sign up as a Friend of the Heretics to post them and the group reserves the right to delete stuff arbitrarily. Direct contact is via the site to the Arch-Heretic, Jamie Cawley, on